MoodMonkey lets you easily track your mood to understand yourself better!

Add your mood

Instantly log your emotions with MoodMonkey- whenever the urge to capture your feelings strikes!

Generate summary

Create a summary with MoodMonkey to gain valuable insights into your emotions

Daily Motivation

Receive daily motivational boosts through MoodMonkey's uplifting push notifications!



MoodMonkey is an innovative app designed to monitor and document your daily moods, providing valuable insights for self-discovery and growth. 

As a bonus, pre-launch users can enjoy the app's features completely free of charge!

MoodMonkey provides a secure and private space for you to express and reflect on your emotions, without the pressure of social media. Your posts remain confidential, accessible only to you, ensuring a safe and personal experience.

Absolutely! Your data is secure and protected, as only you have access to it. We prioritise your privacy and maintain strict confidentiality.

Yes, you can access MoodMonkey on multiple Android & iOS devices by simply logging into your account. 

MoodMonkey uses advanced algorithms to analyse your mood data, creating insightful summaries  overall emotional well-being.

Currently it is not possible to delete the mood entries